Microsoft Sharepoint

Microsoft Shareрoint Server

Microsoft Shareрoint Server allows you to create a unified information space of the company, under which, employees can work together to simplify and effectively manage information, training and personnel development, document and workflow, as well as receive analytical reports for making management decisions.

SIA Sintegra offers the following solutions based on Microsoft Shareroint Server:
• «contractual document management system" allows you to fully automate the workflow and to structure the contractual documentation in the company.
• «The project management system," is designed to seamlessly teamwork in projects.
• «Learning and development of staff management system" helps to create a system of staff education, training and development.
• « Technical Support (Helpdesk) management system » is designed to optimize the activities of technical support, maintenance and user services.
• «Corporate accounting» management system will provide information, necessary for the operational monitoring to managers of all levels