Payroll module has been developed and registered as "Sintegra" intellectual property. The Job Salary module calculates staff salaries according to selected criteria (salary, hourly rate, etc.),taking into account bonuses, sick-benefits, delays, holidays and vacations, social and income taxes and reports to government institutions.
This module has been developed according to our clients requirements, and today it can be used as a universal module that can be adjusted to individual needs of any business. This module, as well as the Human Resources module, can be integrated with Leasing module.
Main advantages of the Payroll Solution
- Automating of periodic salary procedures
- Conforms to all local law standarts
- High degree of flexibility
- Full integration with other Microsoft Dynamics NAV modules
- Easy to understand and use
Main properties of the Payroll Solution
- Unlimited amount of payments/deductions
- Individual specific calculation of payments/deductions for every employee
- Possibility of distinct salary recording principles for every employee
- Calculation of specific payments/deductions
Integration of Payroll Module with Microsoft Dynamics NAV
- The solution is an improvement of Human Resources module and uses it as a foundation
- Full integration with General Ledger: detailed recording assures that all transactions are recorded into correct accounts in General Ledger
- Analogic user interface provides quick understanding of solution functionality